Clube do Almoço (Lunch Club) is a Brazilian Startup from São Paulo, it's business model c
In Brazil all companies provides a daily meal allowance ticket for their employees to have lunch, by signing in Clube do Almoço business package, besides the meal allowance all employees will have access to Clube do Almoço app with special lunch offers from near by restaurants or the possibility to order food online with special delivery prices.
For the local restaurant owner who joins, the app provides a dashboard system to manage the restaurant menu, track how many costumers came from the app, their orders, habits (e.g: what time they usually lunch), so the owner can manage how and when to active special offers and for which target. On top of that it will bring more visibility and attract potential new costumers for lunch during work days, specially those who never experienced the restaurant food before.
My Role
Information architecture, User research, User testing, User interface design, Design system creation, Iconography, Graphic design.
The Costumer App
The first draft of the user journey was done in paper, after this process I started to plan and execute a navigation structure using stick notes on a whiteboard (sorry, no photos of this big board).
But as soon as I finish some of the screens I started to make a virtual navigation map which you can see bellow.
But as soon as I finish some of the screens I started to make a virtual navigation map which you can see bellow.

App navigation structure.
Screens with finalized UI

Splash screen





The restaurant app & system
The management app for our partners was part of the scope.
I needed to develop an application which would assist the restaurants to check the return, publish the food offers, restaurant menu and photos.

Pitch presentation
As I was the only designer on this startup project I was responsible to make the Pitch presentation to explain the benefits of our app to the restaurants owners.

A brochure to distribute among restaurants, explaining how our service works and all benefits of joining the app.